Shapes and quadrants

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Shapes and quadrants

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Study Progress

Try to count whether "x"-shaped points create a forward-slash (/) more often than they create a back-slash (\)!

Press the "enter" key to begin.

If there are more plots where the "x"s form a \, press "q".

If there are more plots where the "x"s form a /, press "p".

If you had to guess, what do you think was the purpose of this study?

You must answer the following yes or no questions before completing the experiment.

To help you remember what the shapes and patterns look like, we have left an example forward-slash (/) image below.

In any part of this task, did you notice shapes or figures created by the blue "x"s, that were different from the display above, and unlike anything shown in the instructions?

Yes     No

In any part of this task, did you notice shapes or figures created by the blue circles, that were different from the display above, and unlike anything shown in the instructions?

Yes     No

In any part of this task, did you notice shapes or figures created by the green circles, that were different from the display above, and unlike anything shown in the instructions?

Yes     No
You must answer the following yes or no questions before completing the experiment.

Did you notice a dinosaur appear in the plots at any point during the sequence, such as the one below?

Yes     No
You must answer the following yes or no questions before completing the experiment.

Did you notice a gorilla appear in the plots at any point during the sequence, such as the one below?

Yes     No
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The purpose of this experiment was to see whether you'd miss the dinosaur, given a tough visual task.

Please enter at least 50 words of comments/advice for us in the box below by answering some or all of the following questions.

Were the instructions clear? Were there any technical issues? Did you have any of what we were trying to do? Was the task so tough that it was overwhelming? Did you have trouble seeing the tiny shapes? Any other comments are welcome!

Once you write 50 words, a submit button will appear and you can complete the experiment!

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