Where is the object?

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This webpage presents an interactive demo of experiments and data for:

Boger, T. and Ullman, T. (In press).
What is "where": Physical reasoning informs object location. Open Mind.

A guide page containing the rest of our experiments as done by our participants, a link to our OSF repository, and a link to our pre-print are available here.

Here, you can chose which stimuli type you'd like on each trial (or be given a random image), and then click on "where" you think the object is. After you click on an obejct, an image will appear showing where our participants clicked.

Note that the masked objects here have names corresponding to the line drawings from which they are generated, but for participants, the masked objects were given abstract names to remove any semantic content.

Your task: pretend your friend just asked you "where is the object?", and you respond by pointing to it. Please use your mouse to indicate where you would point to.


Click below to try a random object.

Random object!

Want to see a specific object in a specific form? Use the down-down menus below to select it.

Specific object!

Your friend asks: "where is the object?". Click on where you would point to.

Back to selection page
Give me another random object!
Please answer the following questions.

In this task, did you see any pictures of gorillas or fish?

Yes     No

Please describe the task you had to complete in this study

If you had to guess, what do you think was the purpose of this study?

What is 1 + 1?

This is the last page of the study. Do not close your browser! You will be able to submit your results and be redirected to Prolific at the end of this page.

The following is a voluntary questionnaire. You can choose to answer any, all, or none of the questions below. Your participation in the research study does not depend on filling out any of the data below. The form does not include any personal identifying information and is given to you so that we can assess the representativeness of the population of people in our studies.

You can also feel free to leave any comments below about how the experiment went, but that's up to you. Did everything seem to work OK?

Submit results

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